BIOGRAPHY (Summary of
historical facts about the Chevalier D'Eon)
TOU HUBUKATA (or Tow Ubukata) Tow Hubukata (Born in Japan in
1977) is known in Japan as being one the most brilliant writers of
fantasy novels at present day; he worked as scripter for anime and
videogames. Since his youth, he wished to become a writer: after
graduated, he won a competition at the KADOKAWA SHOTEN, then he attented
to the Waseda University and then he entered the world of videogames.
One of his most famous novels was "Chas Legion" who became plot for the
famous videogame by Capcom, with the same title. Another most famous
title of this author is "Pilgrim Jager" (Mami Itou). |
MANGA COMICS IS ARRIVING !! On 21st Oct 2005, the japanese KODANSHA Publishings (the same House who presented CANDY CANDY for the first time in 1975) releases the first volume of the new manga-comics LE CHEVALIER D'EON (The Knight of Eon), story by Tow Hubukata and drawings by Jumeji Kiriko.
SO WE HAVE FRANCE, WE HAVE THE CROWN... we are near to the FRENCH REVOLUTION and a misterious Knight BRINGS HIS SWORD WHILE DRESSING AS A LADY... the japanese public suddently falls into excitement... LADY OSCAR!! The success of the new manga-comics is immediate. While Kodansha is still releasing the other volumes of the comics (manga will be complete in 4 vols), people realize that this could be the ideal plot for an animated series. In Aug 2006, while the WOWOW broadcast is trasmitting the anime for the first time, the NikkeiBPsha Publishings releases the brand-new novel of LE CHEVALIER D'EON, written by Tow Hubukata, with the new story of the anime. The anime is inspired to the manga but the story is revisited. |
TV!! |
The historical truth of D'Eon's life is completely revisited by Tow
Hubukata; the character falls into a deep gothic enviroment who is
completely new and also opens a new world into the japanese animation.
At this point, i must precise that this series is not targeted to
children. The story takes place during the XVIII century, just before the French Revolution. The elder sister of Eon, named Lia de Beaumont, serving for Luis XV, was killed in misterious circumstances. D'Eon starts to investigate the reasons of her death and realizes that it was not a mere killing... someting more, something dark and diabolic was involving the mistery of his sister's death but also France and all the allied countries, up to so far as to the Russian Empire. Many key words enters the story: the King's Psalms, the Revolutionary Brethren, the Poets, Gargoyles, 4 Musketeers... and "Le Secret du Roi", a secret spy-net operating under the Reign of Luis XV... The storyline is thick and dense of events but it's not yet enough: Liąs soul returns from the dark, possessing the body of Eon... all the secrets are stricly connected now... and if you solve one, you solve all... But who did Kill Lia? And Why? Will D'Eon ever discover the truth? |
This artist had the role to take care of the backgrounds and landscapes:
Hiroshi Ono suddenly understands that it won't be easy, above all
because the story moves quickly from country to country so the
backgrounds of each episode cannot be used again among the series; and
also, due to fact that we are often changing country (France, England,
Russia...), the landscapes must be drawn with particulars who could
instantly recall the viewer to the right enviroment. A complex study of
the real places is needed... and a more complex work on the tables
bacause this anime is ment to become a realistic anime so the artist
can't use tricks to save time... such as stylization for example. Hiroshi Ono told that he paid attention to two ambients in particular: the Queen's Room and the King's Study (into Versailles). The reason was that these places are very well documented with pictures and photos in the books of art and more, there are many people who really visited these places and these people must be able to find an immediate comparison between the real places and the anime scenes. Hiroshi Ono must be also remembered for his particular use of colors and lights in drawing the marvellous sunsets of this anime: he told he preferred to joke around 2 colors, orange and blue, while colouring the sky (instead of scaling tones of orange only, for ex.) and this came after a deep study of the landscapes in classical paintings. He also remembers that young artist should always study on the classics... he too, he thought it was not important when he was younger but with this anime, he finally understood that there is always more to know. |
Toi8 comes from a japanese school of animation but before LE CHEVALIER D'EON, he was known in Japan mainly for being an illustrator of novels and magazines: this is his first opportunity to work into a real animation project. As about
drawing the accessories of the characters of this series, he told that
the work was hard because he had much experience in videogames weapons
and videogames are often moving in the medioeval age, a very different
context; however, since the story of LE CHEVALIER D'EON is rich of
gothic elements, he had the possibility to take inspiration from the
great medioeval sagas, even to draw the weapons of this series. He told
he loves to draw weapons and while working for this series, he thought
to other series such as Berserk, who is not conceived into a precise
historical period. He found a sort of compromise between the heavy
weapons of the videogames and the real weapons of the XVIII century, by
rendering the lines simplier and poiting the attention to some
particulars of the weapons (such as the cross, in the middle of the grip
of the D'Eon's sword, for ex.). |
As for the faces of other characters, Ozaki took inspiration from some famous western actors: Count Guercy is Jack Black (School of Rock), Durand is Brad Pitt, Tellagory is Anthony Hopkins (The Mask of Zorro)... and finally she draws Robin from the photos of herself! |
Tomomi Ozaki said that the hardest work was not to find a suitable face for these characters: it was to animate them, keeping attention to the particulars of their costumes... because of course these detailed costumes had to move ... and this hard work was possible thanks to the skilled team of animators who prepared the cels-between. So she recommends the viewers to pay attention to particulars, while watching the series, because any detail required time and study. |
Michiru Oshima is a mostly talented composer, coming
from the Department of Composition of the Kunitachi College of Music.
Her career is wonderful: she started with composing musics and making
arrangements for anime series, tv series and movies and she won many and
many important awards in Japan: among them, we remember the Mainichi
Film Competition Music Award, the 21st, 24th, 26th, 27th and 29th Japan
Academy Best Music Awards and the 2006 Animation of the Year Music Award. Michiru Oshima faced the composition of this soundtrack down to the minimum details so that we can tell that all the beauty of these musics must be simply referred to her. She loved the work with LE CHEVALIER D'EON very much because it was the first time that she had the occasion to work with pretty much classical pieces, pieces to be written for a great orchestra. She signed the composition, arrangements... she also choose the musicians who had to perform the pieces and she assisted the whole registration process. Michiru Oshima tells us that a composer must pay even
more attention to the creation of an anime soundtrack then to the
creation of a real movie soundtrack... that's because real actors are
able to express feelings very well while the animated faces can't always
do it... here music must come and overcome the expression of the
cartoonists, by enflating the sould of the story. While speaking about the soundtrack, maybe i must
remember AYA, the young japanese rock-pop singer who sings the final
song of the episodes, title "Over Night" (included into the original cd
sountrack). Aya made her debut in 2002 and also Nirvana and Pearl Jem
anjoyed her dubut. Her first album was Senjo no
hana (A Flower in the Battlefield). After 2 years, her second album
was published by BMG and turned around the world, getting international
success in 40 countries. A wonderful success if we think that the
japanese music rarely comes out of Japan. |
Many informations contained into this page are taken from the official LE CHEVALIER D'EON websites and from the websites of the japanese marks and producers. |